Monday, March 18, 2013

To Blog or Not to Blog...

Okay, I totally intend to keep blogging...I've just questioned how to continue.
When I initially started, I had fears about how open and honest to be because I didn't want my blog to just be a a Facebook replacement or be THAT girl...who wants everyone to know that their life is "just so hard".  The heart behind it really is to share what God is doing in my heart.
My last post was intensely personal.  While I do consider myself an open book, I don't go around saying, "Hi. My name is Rachel and I really want children but it's been a struggle for me." -- It's not all that's going on in my life.  It doesn't define me.  I do want to continue to share that particular journey, because I am continually wrecked by God's love and mercy and faithfulness - which is, at the end of the day, why I write...why I do anything! However, this is NOT an "infertility blog"!!  It is not my desire to write about every detail of my path to parenthood, nor do I think people necessarily want to know those details.  I'm sure the ones that are out there are a blessing to those ladies who really need that...but that's not what I intend to do here. 

While we're on the subject...I'm not sure I like that word..."infertility".  I think it's prematurely diagnosed WAY too often, as I have seen countless couples whose doctors tell them they'll never conceive go on to have perfectly happy, healthy families.  I praise the Lord I have never been in that position, but even so, I do not accept the worldly terminology. It puts so much emphasis on's ability or lack thereof.  Couldn't it simply be that the Creator of the universe, the Name above all names, has a perfect will for every one of us...and that, perhaps, His perfect time just doesn't look like what we think it should?  The problem with man is that we are spoiled.  If we don't get what we want when we want it, we think there must be a quick fix...a diagnosis that will explain everything.  Sometimes, our Father is just calling us to trust Him more.

The truth is that everyone endures a season of waiting at some point in life.  It is your choice how you will handle yours.  Will you murmur and complain or will you allow this season to cleanse you, increase your faith and deepen your walk?  I'm choosing the latter, but I cannot even make that choice in my own strength.  I couldn't make it 5 minutes on my own.  I am desperate for Jesus at every turn.

I also don't intend to be so heavy all the time.  I'll post fun stuff, too, I promise. :) my non-Cornerstone followers...3 of our young men have made their way to PNG for a mission trip and will be gone just short of a month.  Please pray for them and their families back home who are sure to be missing them!  (You can also follow their adventures on their blog, here.)  I happen to think our church has the most amazing young people (Is that what we call you guys?) on the planet.  Their faith and commitment humble and challenge me continually.

That's all for now!  It's good to be back.

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time..."
{Ecclesiastes 3:11}
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."
{Romans 8:28}


1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,

    I am always excited to receive your blog posts in my inbox.

    How about writing each week on thing where you see the Lord. It can be a fun event, a song, a Bible verse, etc. This will give you a wide spectrum to blog about but keep your focus on the Lord. Also, when you do share something about your journey to motherhood it's not "the only thing" you write about. ☺

    I know blogging has helped me find God in the simple things and its fun to share it and encourage other people.

    I'll be praying for you and Br. Andy.

    Iris♥ @ The BlueBirdhouse
